Vulnerability Assessment
Vulnerability Assessment is a structured process for identifying and evaluating vulnerabilities in various IT systems, including computer systems, networks, applications, and cloud infrastructure. Its main purpose is to detect vulnerabilities and potential entry points that cybercriminals could exploit. By proactively prioritizing and addressing these vulnerabilities, organizations can prevent them from being maliciously exploited.
Vulnerability Assessment is necessary:
To identify weaknesses in any system or network
To ensure Compliance and security standards
For Risk Management
To ensure Business Continuity
To protect sensitive data

Steps followed to conduct a Vulnerability Assessment:
Reconnaissance: We gather information about the application such as the URL, IP address, ports, executable files, source code, etc.
Planning and Analysis: We plan which tools will be used for the given application and environment, giving us the best results.
Vulnerability Detection: In this phase, potential threats are identified using automated scanners and manual testing.
Reporting: Report with Open/Closed status corresponding to the vulnerability.