Penetration Testing
Penetration testing, also known as Pen testing or Ethical Hacking, is a practical approach to Cyber Security that involves organized attacks on an organization's systems and networks. Our team of highly skilled security professionals employs specialized tools and techniques to mimic the methods used by real attackers and simulate attacks. It aims to uncover vulnerabilities and weaknesses within an organization's infrastructure before malicious hackers can exploit them.
Penetration testing is necessary:
To identify vulnerabilities
To provide organizations with a realistic assessment of their security posture.
To ensure organizations meet specific security standards and maintain compliance.

Steps followed to conduct a Penetration Testing:
Reconnaissance: We gather information about the application such as the URL, IP address, ports, executable files, source code, etc.
Planning and Analysis: We plan which tools will be used for the application and environment, giving us the best results.
Vulnerability Detection: In this phase, potential threats are identified using automated scanners and manual testing.
Exploitation: We aim to exploit the vulnerability identified in the previous steps to determine its potential impact and risk.
Reporting: Report with Open/Closed status corresponding to the vulnerability.