Simple Tips to Make Personal Data Secure

While online risk management can sound like a complicated subject, there are many things you can do on an individual basis to keep your information safe. Here are a few simple steps everyone can take to make their personal data more secure on the internet:

1. Create a Password and PIN as Strong as Possible

We always recommend making passwords and PINs as strong as possible, using a combination of uppercase, and lowercase letters, special characters, and numbers. You also must regularly change some passwords and PINs to prevent your account from being hacked. Also avoid using easily guessed passwords such as “12345” or your birth date etc.

2. Get Used to 2FA Activation

We must also enable 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) or two-factor authentication. 2FA wherever applicable. This is a way to protect personal data that is classified as safe because when we log in to a certain account, there will be an OTP (Time Password) code sent outside of the password. The code is sent via e-mail or SMS. So, don't forget to activate 2FA.

3. Have More Than One Email

Having multiple email accounts is highly recommended to support 2FA. In addition, some digital platforms are currently required to include a backup email. The goal is that you’ll get notifications on the alternate email when someone else breaches your first account or there are indications of an account break-in.

4. Be Careful in Giving Access Permissions

You also have to be careful about granting access to some digital platforms to maintain data security. Access permissions usually appear for photo and video gallery, camera, microphone, and others. If you feel unsure and suspicious about granting access, simply don't give access to the application.

5. Don't Post Personal Information on Social Media

If you could, do not post any information related to personal data on social media. If you want to post, sensor some important data so your personal information can remain private. It's safer not to post your personal information, such as your personal credentials, address, or phone number that identifies an individual.

Most people probably use social media today; it’s inevitable. Although some choose to be private by creating private accounts, more people decide to share everything about their life on the internet. They even share personal things like relationships, their cultural or social identity, political views, etc., without worrying about getting hacked. And this is what you need to avoid.

You may create anything you want, but remember to keep your personal matters private. To further protect you from personal data theft, creating a private account that only allows close friends to see your profile is the best.

6. Regularly Clean Cookies

The next way to protect personal data is to clean cookies regularly. Why should you regularly clean cookies? Because these cookies store important data and information about us while using or accessing certain websites on the internet.

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